Sunday, November 26, 2006

Yes another Zelda post

Although I doubt anyone ever really accurately check my blog or even has looked at it I like posting in it and maybe it will help or entertain someone one day.

( Links are not spam. Just links to what they say)

I got a message on my youtube account and I would like to respond this way. The controller is very useful in this game and I am anxious to see the gamecube review on my favorite gaming site IGN (my user name is cyrodiil_tourist) to see what they say about the difference. However I think I am mainly talking to people who don't have a Wii yet because people who don't have Zelda and have a Wii are insane. LOL. Honestly though this is the only reason really to get a Wii on launch. Lets face it the Wii launch really takes place in Q1 2007.

Anyways back to our main topic. This wouldn't be a good post if I went the whole time being a fan boy. THE BAD One thing that disappoints me and continues to disappoint me is that the boss battles in the Zelda series are just too easy, this game is no different. While they are theatrical and satisfying when finished, they are short and it seems as if they have no depth to them. They go something like this: WALK INTO ROOM, BOSS MORPHS, AFTER FEW EASY SLASHES OBJECTIVE CHANGES, HIT THREE TIMES AND HE FALLS, YOU GET ANOTHER HEART. While the bosses vary and they do keep a Zelda fan *cough* me *cough* entertained they will have non-gamers scratching there heads trying to find the appeal. Now for the good. THE GOOD Oh the good oh yes there is so much to be said but there are about 2 million places to get this information from but I will give you two words: MIND-BLOWING. Please look at the full review by IGN in my recent posts.

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